Aulas stealthily destroys Textor ‍? At OL we think about it


By: Manu Tournoux

Arrived from Olympique Lyonnais unceremoniously, Jean-Michel Aulas is living his first summer without a transfer window to manage. However, some lend him a very negative role, the idea being that JMA voluntarily soaps John Textor’s board.

Jean-Michel Aulas is no longer in the OL news, but that does not prevent hearing about the former strong man from Lyon. It is true that the way in which he was fired by John Textor shocked a lot of people, the American businessman signing a huge check to finally get rid in 24 hours of the one who led Olympique Lyonnais where he is.

So, when the National Management Control Department (DNCG) decided to recalibrate the Rhone club, and the transfer window wants to be low cost, it is not uncommon to read that Jean-Michel Aulas would be behind all this in playing up his connections to annoy John Textor. Romain Molina having relayed this theory, it was enough for it to spread on social networks.

Aulas tries to stop Textor? The rumor swells

A connoisseur of current events, since he has his access behind the scenes of Olympique Lyonnais, Hugo Guillemet was questioned about this possible role of Jean-Michel Aulas. For the journalist from L’Equipe, it is difficult to know the truth about this story, but within the club there are many who believe it. ” Many think that at OL, but frankly, it is impossible to verify and it is denied by those around JMA “, replied Hugo Guillemet. It is true that it is difficult to know what role the former owner of OL Groupe may have, but some now believe that Jean-Michel Aulas would now do everything to regain control of the club at a lower cost. We are no longer very far from the conspiracy theory, John Textor not being an amateur businessman either.

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