OL ‍: Tar and feathers for Textor, Vincent Moscato derails


By: Manu Tournoux

Held back by the DNCG, John Textor must finish convincing the financial policeman of French football to avoid the fall of Olympique Lyonnais. A tense situation that does not please Vincent Moscato at all.

This brake given by the DNCG on Wednesday during the passage of OL in front of the gendarmes of French football was to be expected. But that is no less disturbing. Despite the arguments of John Textor, the new owner of OL, Thierry Sauvage, CEO of OL Groupe, and Emmanuelle Sarrabay, financial director, the Rhone club did not succeed in its oral. Consequently, the DNCG requested a “stay of proceedings pending further information”. Quite simply because the project presented by Jean-Michel Aulas to the authorities is no longer the same. From budget A, which provided for a contribution of 70 million euros thanks to the sale of players, OL went to budget B, with much less money. New features have also been added, and it is for this reason that the French football policeman decided to dig deeper while giving Textor extra time to find the missing 60 ME. A somewhat tense situation that Vincent Moscato regrets with his very vindictive words.

“Textor is just a bluff”

“A few months ago, there was euphoria around the takeover of OL by Textor. The fans were happy. But in the end, the financial arrangement is bizarre. We do not understand anything, the investor does not put his money. They promise 100 million euros, but no, they make bogus arrangements. At the exit, I am not happy to see that. Because OL are forced to sell their family jewels, that is to say the players, the women’s section, to try to balance the budget and pass the DNCG. Aulas was not born yesterday, but he got rid of a thorn in his side by selling the club. He knew his foot was starting to swell badly and the thing was rotten. During the talks on the takeover, the negotiations dragged on… The guys who put 800 ME into a business that brings in nothing, apart from real estate, that has always surprised me. Now OL are in danger, the DNCG are not kidding. Watch out for relegation. It would be a disaster for French football. I hope Lyon will save themselves by finding the money, but it’s a market for crooks… Textor is just a bluff. We must be wary of these pension funds, of foreign investors who arrive with nothing”launched the RMC presenter, who hopes that Textor will present solid financial guarantees by next week, for the good of OL and L1.

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