Marcelino did not want OM, he fears disaster


By: Manu Tournoux

OM will soon announce the arrival of Marcelino as coach. The Spanish coach will have a lot of work to do in the coming days.

After weeks of negotiations and rumors of all kinds, OM have finally found their future coach. Indeed, Marcelino will settle down in the south of France and succeed Igor Tudor. The former Valencia manager was the club’s third choice after Marcelo Gallardo and Paulo Fonseca. He will have to bring all his experience to OM while doing the job on the European scene. His arrival in Marseille is in any case very commented, with observers a little lost on his case. According to some, whether on the side of OM or Marcelino, this union is made completely by default. This is particularly the opinion of Javier Prieto Santos.

Marcelino, already a bug to point out?

On the antennaEuropean 1the journalist has indeed given his opinion on the subject, with some reluctance to underline. “He swears by the 4-4-2. He is someone who does not pay mine. He doesn’t have a Tudor charisma. He’s small and looks like he’s got the look of a salesman, but he’s someone who has ideas and knows how to get messages across. He has always been able to make his teams play well whether at Valencia or Villarreal. He knows how to get the most out of the players if they listen. So does it come by default or by desire? He hasn’t coached for some time and he apparently wanted to take over Spain. Afterwards, it seems to be a default choice even if it is not Michel either (…)”, said Javier Prieto Santos, curious to see what the Spanish coach will do with OM, who will have to be ready from August and the Champions League play-offs to come. Once the arrival of Marcelino formalized, the transfer window will accelerate in the Marseille city.

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