Hunt for pounds and fat, OM players alerted


By: Manu Tournoux

The now announced arrival of Marcelino at Olympique de Marseille will change the habits of players. If some had complained about the rigor of Igor Tudor, they risk being disillusioned, because the Spanish coach is not kidding.

After the departure of Igor Tudor from OM, Dimitri Payet did not hide a form of relief, the Marseille number 10 admitting that he did not like everything about the Croatian coach. Returning to Tudor’s course, Payet hit hard. ” During the first sessions and, in particular, during the internship in England at the end of July, we suddenly discovered someone tough and brutal. In his way of being, in his words. He was authoritarian (…) He was very hard, even exaggeratedly hard, at the beginning to mark his territory, his arrival, to put things in place. And then it got a little better “, confided Dimitri Payet. However, the Olympique de Marseille midfielder risks becoming disillusioned if he thinks he can be a little more relaxed with Marcelino. Francis Coquelin, who played in Valence under the orders of the future OM coach, warns Marseille footballers.

Marcelino monitors his players every day

In Today in France, the French midfielder from Villarreal appreciated Marcelino’s working methods. But the latter leaves no room for amateurism, especially in terms of lifestyle. ” With his staff, he insists a lot on athletic preparation, food. We had a daily weigh-in, weekly or fortnightly body fat intakes. Those who were not in weight were punished with large fines. The football he claims requires perfect physical condition “Explains Francis Coquelin, who thinks it can stick with Dimitri Payet. We pushed the cork a little far on the pretext of a game system that was too intransigent for him. If he is in his best condition, and he certainly will be, he should see his playing time increase considerably with Marcelino. Between the two, it can work very well. »

In the past, some Olympique de Marseille supporters had criticized Dimitri Payet for letting go physically and having a few extra pounds. But this year, the French midfielder appeared very sharp, which did not prevent Igor Tudor from putting him in the closet, and even from definitively dismissing him at the end of the season, while Payet could leave OM during this transfer window. To see if Marcelino will ask Pablo Longoria to keep the one Jacques-Henri Eyraud had made a ” Marseille for life “.

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