Robert Lewandowski reveals his plans for the future


By: Manu Tournoux

Robert Lewandowski, the Polish striker of Barça, confided in his future projects.

Although 34 years old, Robert Lewandowski, the official gunner of Barça, does not think at all of retirement. “It’s just a figure,” he said in an interview with L’Equipe magazine. When I wake up in the morning, I don’t tell myself that my back is getting old, and when I see my tests, everything is fine. Sometimes it’s even better than before.

Lewandowski wants to ‘stay on top’

Even if he continues to savor the present moment and delay the date when he will have to hang up his crampons, “Lewy” is still planning for the future. He wonders in particular about what he will do once he is no longer a footballer. “I am preparing for this. I have this energy inside me, so it can go on. As for after, I don’t know. I have many plans, but telling you which one will get me up in the morning…”

The former Bayern player was also asked about the possibility of becoming a coach. “I don’t think so,” he replied. Maybe I’ll miss the locker room so much that I’ll change my mind. I know there is an end, anyway. Maybe it will be better after all. The after, although it is by nature different, is not necessarily less good. It doesn’t bother me too much. Today, when I’m off, I get bored quickly. It’s okay. I still love scoring goals and I haven’t explored everything in football yet. »

Lewandowski then concluded by saying that he has no problems finding motivation, despite everything he has already achieved in his career. “It’s easier to get to the top than to stay there. You always have to look for the extra thing, but not all players want to be at the top. You then become the leader of the pack, the one who polarizes expectations. The world looks at you differently. You have to be good, strong, exemplary, with high morale. Talent alone no longer exists. Not everyone seeks to be the headliner and assume this status, and I understand those who prefer to stay a little more in the background. A team also needs them. But, to meet these expectations, you have to be on permanent alert”.

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