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Fantasy Football Arrives at FFW – Do You Have What It Takes To Win?






It is here! Finally after a longer delay than we expected, we can unveil to you the Fantasy Football game format for this season. Thanks to members of our growing following; Bastien Leclair (@Puchkin_B) and  Benoît Chambard (@commellevient), we can now usher you in the direction of footnet.fr.

Although it is a French site, you should be able to translate the text with Google Chrome and pick yourself a team. Once done, register and then message your username to @FrenchFtWeekly, @J_746 or @Jon_LeGossip. Some of you might need to start leagues of your own as you can only form tables of seven teams but if you message one of us we will tell you what to call your league so we can keep a track of everyone’s results this season. So far we have frfoot and frfoot2 so we think it is best if we keep these titles and just change the number at the end each time.


It is easy to play and we will count up the points throughout the season keeping an overall table and will announce the winner at the end of the season! There will be a mystery prize for the winner so get involved


Good luck,


Jonathan, Andrew and Jason.


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